Friday, April 18, 2014

Water Pollution.

I have learned that there are different types of water pollutions. These include: point-source pollution, when a single source such as an oil spill that is causing the pollution; non-point-source pollution, where multiple sources are contributing to the pollution; and last but not least, trans-boundary pollution, when the pollution will be affecting the environment hundreds of miles away from the source and a nuclear waste is an example.
Water Pollution Causes:
     -Sewage and waste-water
     -Marine dumping
     -Radioactive waste
     -Industrial waste
     -Oil pollution
     -Underground storage leakages
     -Atmospheric deposition (Atmospheric deposition is the pollution of water caused by air pollution.)
     -Global warming
     -Eutrophication (Eutrophication is when the environment becomes enriched with nutrients. This can be a problem in marine habitats such as lakes as it can cause algal blooms.)
I researched some of the popular topics listed above to see their facts and statistics. Global warming is a known fact to many and lots of people know exactly what is happening and why it is happening. I think global warming could be one of the topics that I can challenge people with to see if knowing the causes and effects of it will have an emotional impact in the decisions they make that correlate to the environment and health of this earth.  A reason why we are sure that global warming is occurring is because the temperature of the world has climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (.8 degrees Celsius) since 1880. This was confirmed by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. 1980 and 1990 were the hottest decades in 400 years and the past 11 years have been among the hottest years since 1850.  The temperatures in Alaska, western Canada and eastern Russia have escalated twice as much as the world average, which I previously mentioned. The Arctic is experiencing the effect of global warming the most. The Arctic ice is disappearing quickly and this is really bad because animals such as the polar bears will soon lose their home. There are many animals who are denizens of this place and it has been estimated that by the year 2040, or earlier, the ice might be completely gone so this animals might lose their native homes forever. 
My following post will continue the research of global warming among other topics and the expedition to uncover and learn what water pollution really is.  

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